Jingyu Lin 林靖宇

博士, 教授



地址: 广州市番禺区大学城外环西路100号


Email: jylin(at)gdut.edu.cn

[English Version]






2010.9 ~ 2014.7, 自动化系, 清华大学


2002.9 ~ 2005.7, 计算机科学与技术系, 清华大学


1990.9 ~ 1994.6, 无线电电子学系, 中山大学





  • 2021.1, 教授, 广东工业大学自动化学院
  • 2019.12 ~ 2020.12, 访问学者, 早稻田大学
  • 2018.8 ~ 2019.12, 副院长, 广西大学电气工程学院
  • 2014.12 ~ 2018.8, 自动化教研室副主任, 广西大学电气工程学院
  • 2016.12, 教授, 广西大学电气工程学院
  • 2008.12, 副教授, 广西大学电气工程学院
  • 2005.7, 工程师, 广西大学电气工程学院





  • 计算机视觉与机器学习
  • 移动机器人、无人机等无人载具





  1. Jingyu Lin, Shuqing Li, Wen Dong, Takafumi Matsumaru, Shengli Xie. Long-arm three-dimensional LiDAR for anti-occlusion and anti-sparsity point clouds. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-10, art no. 4506610, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3104019 (code & data)
  2. Hongman Wang, Hui Qiao, Jingyu Lin, Rihui Wu, Yebin Liu, and Qionghai Dai. Model study of transient imaging with multi-frequency time-of-flight sensors. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 43(10): 3523-3539, 2021.
  3. Xueyun Chen, Jingyu Lin, Shiming Xiang, Chun-Hong Pan. Detecting maneuvering target accurately based on a two-phase approach from remote sensing imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17(5): 849-853, 2020.
  4. Quan Lu, Yun Zhang, Jingyu Lin, and Min Wu. Dynamic electromagnetic positioning system for accurate close-range navigation of multi-rotor UAV. IEEE Sensors Journal, 20(8): 4459-4468, 2020.
  5. Pingping Gong, Ziguang Lu, Jingyu Lin, Zhilin Lv, Likun Hu. Distributed secondary control based on cluster consensus of inhibitory coupling with power limit for isolated multi-microgrid. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 13(18): 4114-4122, 2019.
  6. Ziguang Lu, Ruilin Zhang, Likun Hu, Lin Gan, Jingyu Lin, Pingping Gong. Model predictive control of induction motor based on amplitude–phase motion equation. IET Power Electronics, 12(9): 2400-2406, 2019.
  7. Jingyu Lin, Rihui Wu, Hongman Wang, Yebin Liu. Transient imaging with a time-of-flight camera and its applications. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 18(9):1268-1276, 2017.
  8. Jingyu Lin, Yebin Liu, Jinli Suo, Qionghai Dai. Frequency-domain transient imaging. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 39(5): 937-950, 2017. (Code, Calibrated Correlation function: [calib1] [calib5], Data: [toys] [bottle16] [mirror1])
  9. Hui Qiao, Jingyu Lin, Yebin Liu, Matthias Hullin, and Qionghai Dai. Resolving transient time profile in ToF imaging via log-sum sparse regularization. Optics Letters, 40(6): 918-921, 2015.
  10. Jingyu Lin, Xing Lin, Xiangyang Ji and Qionghai Dai. Separable coded aperture for depth from a single image. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21(12): 1471 - 1475, 2014.
  11. Jingyu Lin, Yebin Liu, M. Hullin, Qionghai Dai. Fourier analysis on transient imaging with a multifrequency time-of-flight camera. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 3230-3237, 2014.6.23 - 2014.6.28. Oral.
  12. Jingyu Lin, Xiangyang Ji, Wenli Xu, Qionghai Dai. Absolute depth estimation from a single defocused image. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(11): 4545 - 4550, 2013. (Code)
  13. Jingyu Lin, Ziguang Lu, and Yonghua Zhou. Electrically powered wire localization system for mobile robots. IEEE Sensors Journal, 11(10): 2197-2203, 2011.





  1. 广西创新驱动发展专项科技重大专项:"'互联网+'智慧香蕉种植管理系统的研发与应用"子课题,2018.06-2021.06。
  2. 国家自然科学基金项目(61661006):基于深层神经网络的高分辨率遥感图像机动目标精细检测研究. 2017.01-2020.12.
  3. 国家自然科学基金项目(61561005):大范围室外对象无人机自主巡检中的图像采集和三维重构. 2016.01-2019.12. PI.
  4. 广西自然科学基金项目(2015GXNSFAA139284):基于调制成像的高时间分辨率瞬态光采集与解析. 2015.09-2018.08. PI.
  5. 广西科技攻关项目(桂科攻1598008-1): 面向输电线路无人机巡检的视觉自主导航和在线故障检测技术研究. 2015.01-2016.12. PI.






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